What's Cooking?

What's Cooking?

Friday, 10 April 2015

Chapter 3

Khushi looked at herself one last time in the mirror before her lips broke into her famous smile. Her eyes twinkling in excitement, she straightened her simple yellow cotton sleeveless tunic over skinny jeans and slipped her feet into comfortable multicolored jootis. Slinging her huge bag on one shoulder, she headed out of her apartment for her first day at Perido.

She had woken up extra early today and called her parents to inform them about her new job. They were obviously very happy for her and her mother had even begun her plans to organize a small pooja in her name at their neighborhood temple. He father had started praising her for this acheivement, his teary but proud voice making Khushi thank God for the unnerving support of her parents.

As she boarded the Churchgate local from the nearby railway station, khushi thought about the sudden change her life had taken. Yesterday she was wondering how she would survive in Mumbai with no job and now, she was offered something she could only dream of! She knew it was probably a very junior position but still...stepping stones, she reminded herself.

The most exciting part for her was the opportunity to cook all those wonderful recipes she had only seen on TV or read about in the books. All that array of international ingredients and produce. The thought made her want to dance in the crowded woman's compartment of the stuffy train

She was the first person to alight and make her way out of the station before rushing to take the bus to Nariman point. She was delighted to find a seat in the usually full bus and thought how this day could only get better for her!

As soon as she reached the bus stop near the restaurant, she got down and started walking briskly towards it. Her gaze wandered off to her favorite bakery which was still closed, since she had arrived much earlier than the 9 o clock' that Akash had asked her to come at.

She reached the restaurant and stood looking at the closed door and knocked on it a couple of times, when the door was finally opened by a girl in simple pants and t-shirt "Hi, can I help you?" she asked curiously eyeing Khushi "Yes, I'm Khushi Gupta...and I'm here for the new job!"Khushi said with a bright smile as the girl looked on confused

"Job? Oh the new DW...Wow...you look really young and err...not really what I had in mind...come on in" she said Khushi shifted nervously on her feet. Why was everyone asking her these things? "Yes, I was hired yesterday...and I'm 25 by the way...not too young" she said as the girl smiled and opened the door for her

"Sorry I kept you out...I'm Payal by the way. I'm the kitchen manager and I also take care of orders and procurements, plus at night I moonlight as the hostess!" she said with an infectious grin which made Khushi like her instantly.

"In fact I just got back from the early morning fish market, crazy as always!" she said rolling her eyes "No one's come in yet but I think one of the line cooks must be in the kitchen. I'll get all your details and documents first and then give you your uniform ok. I'm sure we'll have something in your size" she said as Khushi nearly hyperventilated...her very own chef's uniform! How exciting...will it have her name embroidered?

"Sure, I'll do that" Khushi said as Payal led her to a small office at the back of the restaurant and made her sit at the desk "Here, fill in all your details and I will need a photo ID and your bank details for our accounts. They will need it to set-up your salary transfer" she said as Khushi nodded and smiled before taking the offered pen and filling up the details

She finished writing up all the necessary things as Payal walked in few minutes later, her hands laden with white and black stripped uniforms and a hot cup of tea for Khushi "Here, have some tea and then try some of these, they are a bit big for you, but should be ok. Oh and you'll have to leave your footwear in the rack over there and put on one of the silicon slippers in the kitchen ok" she said as Khushi nodded and sipped on her tea

She looked on as Payal took her filled forms and made copies before leaving them on the desk in front of her. She wondered if this was ASR's desk, but her query was quickly answered by a talkative Payal"This is Akash Iyer's office, our Manager. You must have come here yesterday" she said as Khushi nodded

"And the door there" she said pointing at another larger door on the left "Is ASR's office. He's the owner as you might already know and..." she said as Khushi interrupted her "and is a Michelin star chef and one of the best in the Indian culinary world" she finished for her as Payal giggled "My my you know everything huh? Don't tell me you too are all gaga over his handsome face..." she said with a wink as Khushi blushed

"Umm...I've never seen him actually. He's not very much in the limelight is he?" Khushi asked as Payal nodded "Yeah, he hates the media...and that's why you will rarely find his pictures unless you google him online!" she said with a smile as Khushi finished sipping her tea and stood up

"Right! So lets see which one fits you...oh and just to let you know, there are currently three line cooks, two junior chefs and one sous chef that work under ASR...you'll meet them in a bit...but for now, come with me and I'll show you the entire place before I leave you in the kitchen" she said as Khushi nodded and started trying on the uniforms

The uniform, or in this case apron's were not really like the one she had at Taco's...but maybe this is only temporary and she will get her actual uniform later. Payal took her along to show all the aspects of the restaurant as Khushi followed her in awe. The place was huge and serene with the warm colors and classic rustic tiling and huge glass windows...the simplistic design and elegant interiors only adding to its appeal

After the tour, Payal led her into the vast kitchen where she explained everything to her before making her sit at the small resting area meant for the kitchen staff "Ok, you wait here now. Emmanuel who is one of the Junior Chefs and is in charge of all the china and cutlery, will come and explain everything to you." she said as Khushi nodded obediently

"I think NK, our sous chef too will come in any minute, but I gotta run. Have some stuff to take care of before the lunch prep starts" she said as Khushi got up and hugged her suddenly "Thank you Payal, this has probably been the best day of my life! I am so looking forward to working here" she said as Payal smiled warmly at her "That's great Kiddo...and welcome to Perido!" she said as she waved a quick goodbye and made her way out of the kitchen.


"So, you're the new DW? Didn't know it was a girl and that too a pretty one!"  Emanuel said as  Khushi as got up and shook hands with him "Yes, I'm Khushi...and what's a DW?" she asked as she remembered Payal saying the same thing.

Emanuel chuckled loudly "You are funny as well!! Too bad I bat for the other team...or you would be just my type!" he said as Khushi looked on wide eyed at him and blushed furiously as he continued to laugh looking at her shocked face

"Oh my God! You look so cute honey!...anyways come I'll show you where all the china and cutlery is stored after washing" he said as Khushi composed her face and smiled slightly as she followed him.

Why was everyone so shocked to find a girl in this job? Didn't they think she could do it? she thought as Emanuel showed her all the lovely plates and dishes that were used to cook, serve and eat food in at the restaurant

He then showed her the cleaning station and the dish washers at the end with a speed jet shower and explained to her how to operate it, making Khushi look at him in bewilderment; do the chefs have to clean their own used dishes too? When will he show her all the other good stuff?

"Emanuel!" Khushi heard a man scream as he walked in tying up his chef's unifrom while tightly securing a green bandana on his head. Khushi recognized him from the other night outside the restaurant; the one because of whom she is here now. She gave him a bright smile and offered her hand as he came into view "Hi, I'm Khushi..." she said as the man gave her a once over before shaking her hand tightly with a huge grin

"Hi Khushi, I'm NK...Sous chef at Perido and am I Glad to have you on board! Not only are you a sight for sore eyes, but it had gotten mighty difficult here without a dedicated Dish washer" he said as Khushi burst out laughing, these guys were funny, she thought as Emanuel and NK both looked at her warily "Good joke NK and I guess Emanuel was just taking it a bit too seriously...haha...so will you be training me?" she asked with a smile as NK stepped towards her in confusion

"Train you for what Khushi?" he asked as she raised her eyebrows "Uh..stuff...you know, what I'm supposed to do here" she said as he looked on further confused at Khushi's words "But you already know what to do. As soon as the dishes come in you gotta wash them. Pots and pans need to be thoroughly scrubbed after every lunchtime and dinnertime sessions. What more training are you talking about?" he asked her,  as reality finally dawned on Khushi...they were not joking!

"I'm a dish washer.." she mumbled in shock as NK looked at her pale face "Hey..what's wrong? Are you feeling all right? Emanuel, get her some water man" he said as she led Khushi to the sofa and made her sit down...he offered her the water, which she gulped down in one go before looking at him with utterly bewildered eyes

"There has been some mistake. I came here for a job, a chef's job...not a Dish washer! There has been some misunderstanding...did you not need a chef?" she asked as NK took a deep breath "Yes, we do...but the job's not listed yet and...do you cook? I mean are you a trained chef?" he asked her as she shook her head "Not trained per-se...I've done home science and have been cooking since I was a child...I've worked as a head chef in Taco's and more and now...now I'm a dish washer" she wailed as her head reeled from the truth of yesterday's interview

How could she have been so stupid? Three hatted restaurants don't just take chef's, senior or junior without first testing them thoroughly. They did not even ask her for anything or references...not even her qualifications! What was she thinking? She got up quickly and started taking off her apron as NK held her hand, making her stop

"Khushi, I'm not sure what the confusion was...but I'm sure if you talk to Akash, he might offer you a better job. If you have experience then we might just be able to accommodate you, just not in a chef's capacity. But who knows with time..." he let it trail as Khushi once again started hoping... "When can I meet Akash sir?" she asked as NK tried to think

"Akash should be here by now...he usually comes in early" he said as Khushi nodded"Listen why don't you just uh...I'm not sure what work I can give you..." he said as Khushi shook her head "It's ok NK...I'll take care of the dishes till then ...and when Akash is here I'll talk to him" she said as NK smiled at her...his dimples deep and impactful making her return his smile back

So she washed and waited...but Akash did not come. Emanuel tried to keep her thoughts occupied with a lot of jokes and other clowning about...but nothing could take away the gloom that had settled over her earlier jubilous mood.

She watched on with longing as the other cooks prepped everything and marveled at the frenzy with which they worked to fullfill the lunch orders. She saw one of the line cooks putting in vegetables for roasting which they were preparing for the day's Morroccan special couscous...a dish which she made very well...if only they will let her cook! She though morosely as the dishes kept piling higher and higher!

She did a good job of washing the dishes and was quite comfortable as she wasn't someone who took offence at such jobs. For her a job was job...be it of a master chef or a dish washer, but she knew she was capable of a lot more than mere dishwashing and that is what made it difficult for her to digest her current predicament.

As the evening rolled by, Khushi's temper and patience had both run out...no amount of harmless flirting from NK or jokes from Emanuel could make her normal now.

Akash had still not come in and Khushi was bursting with getting her side across to him. When one of the servers came in to inform that Sir' had come, she took off the soiled gloves from her dainty hands and marched right out of the kitchen to the offices at the back.

She saw from her periphery vision as NK and the rest looked on in shock at her frenzied pace, but the endless waiting and waste of a day had eaten up all her common sense and logic

Since the restaurant was hosting a private dinner tonight, only the bar attendants and servers were outside getting everything in order as Khushi finally reached the office. She did not bother knocking and barged into the office to come across Akash, who was standing with his back to her

"Akash sir, there has been a terrible mistake! When I came in yesterday it was for a job of a chef...not a Dish washer! I agree I don't have the kind of experience you are looking for but I assure you that I am an excellent cook. Ask anyone who has eaten my food." She said as her voice got louder

"A Dish washer is not what I had aspired to be here, so please can you look into re-assigning me to a job that I wish to do" she said in one breath to Akash whose back has stiffened more and more said in a cold and dangerous voice that sent a chill down Khushi's spine "A job that YOU wish to do?"

 She felt her breath getting caught mid way and her eyes widen as she looked on with mounting fear as the man turned around slowly, his cold as ice chip eyes, boring into her, rooting her in place as her body seemed to have frozen...this was definitely not Akash Iyer.

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